Sunday, March 1, 2009

Nomahegan Park - Cranford, New Jersey

My husband and I traveled north to New Jersey this weekend for a short visit with his family. I decided to make a little trek out to Nomahegan Park on Saturday, which is basically a hop, skip and jump from my in-laws house. I currently have a pretty decent cold and I didn't want to be gone for too long or go too far away. So, I made my way out to this pretty simple park. A park where those from the neighborhood go for a bit of fresh air, a run or some fun on the playground.

I wandered around the pond, taking some photos of ducks when I almost turned around to leave because I thought there wasn't really anything to take pictures of. But that's the kind of situation where I want to try and really challenge myself, so I pressed on. I made my way off the trails to explore a little and as I dodged a carpet of geese droppings I was able to find some great little quiet spots. After about an hour I was going to turn around to make my way back to my car, then I saw them. About 15 deer grazing only 500 feet away from me. I went deeper into the woods and was able to get pretty close to them before they took the cautious route and walked away from me. So, I took a little more back with me than just pictures, a first glance it might not seem worth it, but give it a may be surprised.






The last photo is something I stumbled upon as I was making my way through the woods back to the trail. It's one tree trunk but 4 trees growing out of it. Quite an interesting site, and something I would have missed if I just gave up after only 5 minutes.


SUGAMAMA'S CAFE' March 7, 2009 at 12:41 PM  

You take amazing pics....I love them all so much~

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Just a small photo project to get me back in touch with nature. I'll explore Regional and National parks close to home and where ever I may travel, armed with a good pair of hiking boots and a camera.

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